Practice Policies
Email Communications
Email should not be used for medical problems unless directed by a member of the Practice Team.
If you have an urgent medical problem please contact the surgery by phone.
Email should not be used for urgent communications.
Requests can be made via reception for social welfare and private medical certificates. Please accept that a review by a doctor will be required in some instances.
We need to know dates of ill health, nature of illness and your PPS number (for social welfare certificates).
Certificates can now be issued via email.
Please contact reception to ensure that we have an up to date email to avail of this service.
There is a fee for private certificates.
Payment policy
Some consultations are not covered under the GMS scheme and those with medical cards will be asked to pay.
If you are unsure whether your consultation is covered under the GMS scheme please check with reception.
Payment can be made by debit or credit card, or Apple Pay etc..
Medical cards and doctor visit cards
Patients attending the practice for the first time must present a valid medical card.
If your card has expired or is invalid you will be required to pay as per normal schedule of fees. The following services are NOT covered by GMS medical card:
Blood tests
Medical examinations for medico-legal purposes
Driving Licence Medicals
Pre employment examinations
Certain vaccinations
Screening Tests / Health Checks / Medical Certificates
Ordering prescriptions
Repeat prescriptions may be issued for regular medications as arranged by your doctor.
Be aware when your medication is due to run out and give a minimum of 48 hours notice for collection of prescriptions.
Repeat prescriptions can be ordered by phone or by using the repeat prescription request form by post, by email or drop into the surgery.
Regular reviews are essential if you are on long term medication. This is to ensure that the medication is working and that you are not experiencing side effects.lf you have not been seen recently, your GP may request that you make a review appointment to discuss your medication.
Prescriptions can also be ordered by completing the online form.
A fee will apply for repeat prescriptions issued for private patients.
For medical card holders, no fee applies.
Test results
If you have blood tests taken they will be reviewed by your GP
If there is any significant abnormality your GP will contact you by phone.
If you have not heard from your GP please ring the surgery 04943 61 700 two weeks after the test.
Blood test results will only be given between 3.00pm-5.00pm Tuesday and Wednesday only.
You can receive results via text.
Please contact reception to ensure that we have an up to date mobile phone number on your records.
We encourage patients to prebook appointments and can generally provide routine appointments within 24-48 hours of request.
Emergencies will of course be accommodated as a priority. It may be necessary to book an appointment with a specific doctor well in advance as some doctors work on a part time basis.
Longer appointments may be necessary for certain procedures i.e. minor surgery, Implanon insertion / insurance / Medico-Legal Reports. Please specify if you feel you require a longer appointment for the above services.
We always try to ensure the patients are seen on time but delays are sometimes inevitable as patients may require extra time or the doctor may have had to deal with an urgent problem.
Mornings are our busiest period of the day and we would be grateful if you could avoid telephoning on non- urgent matters at this time.
Separate appointments should be made for each family member.
We would appreciate if you would cancel your appointment if unable to attend.
Out of hours
There is always a doctor on call outside of surgery hours.
NEDOC provides out of hours emergency care after 6pm Monday to Friday, weekends and Bank Holidays.
Unacceptable behaviour
This practice does not tolerate abusive or aggressive behaviour towards any member of staff.
Any patient who is abusive or aggressive either will be asked to leave the premises and will also be removed from the patient list.
General Data Protection Legislation
Farnham Medical Practice’s policy and procedures are guided by the General Data Protection Legislation (GDPR) and the Irish Data Protection Act (2018). These acts impose obligations on data controllers to process personal data entrusted to them in a manner that respects the rights of data subjects to have their data processed fairly. Data controllers are under a specific obligation to take appropriate measures to protect the security of such data.
To assist with your care at Farnham Medical Practice we need to collect personal data about you. This information will include details of your health and your treatments.
We may also require to record additional information that while may not seem to relate directly to your health, it would help in our treatment of you. For example, your age, gender, marital status, the number of children you have, your nationality, your employment status, religion and prison sentences.
Our policy is only to collect and record information about you that helps in your treatment.
Patients are required to sign a consent form giving their authorisation for the processing of health data.